2025 Funding Alert

Over the past 2 years the Patricia Kind Family Foundation has been involved in developing a strategic plan which will strengthen the focus of our grantmaking and community networking activities. The information we gathered from over 500 partners and community members will enable the Foundation to fine tune our work in the coming years. However, for us to fully incorporate this feedback into our processes, we are pausing new grant funding for 2025. 

This will not impact current grantees and their multi-year grant payments due in 2025.

We will NOT take new applications this August (which would have been funded in January 2025) and we will NOT take new applications in January 2025 (which would have been funded in June 2025).

We expect to accept new applications summer 2025 (to be funded January 2026)

We will continue with our Capacity and Collaboration efforts throughout 2025.

Please reach out if you have any questions.