
Community Fund for Immigrant Wellness

March 5, 2025

We are pleased to share that the Community Fund for Immigrant Wellness is now seeking applications for its sixth cycle of grantmaking. Since 2017, the Community Fund for Immigrant Wellness has provided financial support and capacity building to immigrant-serving organizations that remove barriers and provide opportunities for immigrant communities to live with dignity and joy. In the face of attacks on immigrant communities across the country, we remain deeply committed to this work.

Organizations may apply for $30,000 unrestricted grants. Organizations must support the emotional health and wellbeing of immigrant communities by: 

  • Creating opportunities with immigrant communities to encourage care, positive coping strategies, and collective healing.
  • Building spaces that cultivate meaningful connections among community members
  • Fostering a sense of dignity and self-agency
  • Centering cultural practices of participants

Applications are due on Thursday, April 10th, 2025 at 5pm EST.


Register for an informational session on Thursday, March 20th at 10am HERE

2025 Policy & Advocacy Resources

February 6, 2025

As we navigate these fluid dynamics, Philanthropy Network - like many of our colleague organizations in the sector - is committed to keeping our members and partners connected and informed so we can move forward together with shared purpose. This page is dedicated to posting events, news, resources and guidance relevant to the evolving policy environment, and will be updated on a regular basis.

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If you would like to suggest a resource or learning opportunity to be added to this page, please reach out to Amy Seasholtz.


Actions for Nonprofits

February 4, 2025

We at Nonprofit Finance Fund are considering what actions we might take to support the sector in this difficult environment. The fight is going to be lengthy, and we all need to muster energy and heart to sustain it. Here are immediate actions we can all take right now:

Three Actions for Nonprofits:

  1. Scenario plan. Funding is under threat for many of us with direct or pass-through federal funding. Model out different scenarios, assessing the risk level to different funding streams, and the implications and options should they cease. We offer a free scenario planning tool here that can be helpful; it is part of a series of resources on building resilience during uncertain times.
  2. As we saw last week, we may experience fits and starts to funding. Cash flow planning is critical. Our cash flow projection template (also free) is another valuable tool as organizations plan for uncertainty.
  3. Access the many great resources that have been put out there by others supporting the field. Just a few:

March 2025 William Penn Foundation RFP Webinar Registration Now Live

February 2, 2025

William Penn Foundation will release six new RFPs on March 19th. In advance, we are sharing registration details for informational webinars on each RFP. The live 45-minute webinars will review key information from the RFP packet including details about funding eligibility, the application and review process, and the timeline for each opportunity, with time to ask questions of our program staff. (Attendance at webinars has no impact on your ability to apply or be considered for funding.)

View and Register for March Webinars  

  • Arts and Culture
  • Children and Families
  • Environment and Public Space

For a list of WPF funding opportunities over the next 12 months, please visit the Funding Opportunities page on our website.

ICE and Schools

February 1, 2025

Education Law Center hosted a public webinar on Feb. 6th about ICE and Schools: Students’ Rights and Schools’ Legal Obligations, a presentation by Education Law Center-PA, ACLU-PA, and HIAS-PA.

This joint letter from ACLU-PA and ELC was published Feb 3 and is being sent to all PA school district superintendents, charter CEOs and intermediate unit directors describing the legal rights of immigrant students in PA schools. The letter includes a template for our recommended Welcoming Resolution and district protocol. Please feel free to share.


  • Update forms with Emergency Contacts and Permissions to Pick Up a Child: Schools should remind parents and guardians to update their emergency contact information and permissions for non-parent individuals to pick up their child from school. These forms should be circulated by schools for updates at regular intervals for all students, including now. In the alternative, parents can send an email instruction to teacher and principal.
  • Non-Parent Caregiver Enrollment and Education Decisionmaker: In the event a parent is detained or deported, Pennsylvania law allows a non-parent with whom the child is living to enroll the student in school and act as the student’s education decisionmaker, even if the non-parent does not have legal guardianship of the child. While this form should not be submitted unless custodial parent(s) are unavailable, families should consider the option and their preferred designation in advance. More information and sample forms are available from ELC in English and Spanish
  • Planning for Custody: An Informational Guide for Immigrant Families: Family law is state-specific. Information and sample forms under Pennsylvania law regarding child custody or temporary custodian arrangements, parent and child separation, involvement with the Department of Human Services, options for detained or deported parents, and International Travel and Relocation are available from Philadelphia Legal Assistance,
  • For early ed providers on these issues of ICE contacts - This resource from CLASP is the best I’ve seen specific to early ed:
  • And National Immigration Law Center has great resources:

-for formerly protected/sensitive locations (hospital, church, daycare):
-for employers generally
-about warrant requirements

New Administration + The Nonprofit Sector: Navigating the Road Ahead

January 31, 2025

Offered through The Nonprofit Center at LaSalle University.

The New U.S. presidential administration is rolling out changes that impact our communities and organizations daily. It can feel overwhelming - but you're not alone. Let's navigate these shifts together.

FREE Lunch & Learn February 10th 12PM

Prepare for the road ahead with insights from experts on nonprofit law, fundraising, and strategy in uncertain times. Register Now

How Can The Nonprofit Center at LaSalle University Support You? 
What's on your mind? Share your thoughts in our survey - your input will help us better serve you, your organizations, and our communities. 

Take The Survey

Become a Demographics via Candid partner

January 28, 2025

Demographics via Candid empowers nonprofits to share vital information about their organizations one time (Data1x) on their Candid profile, where it can be accessed and re-used by all. If you are a nonprofit organization, you can get started right away by updating your free profile. Learn more.

We encourage funders, nonprofit member associations, and philanthropy serving organizations to join us in standardizing demographic data and reducing reporting burdens on nonprofits.

2025 PKFF Funding Alert

January 25, 2025

Over the past 2 years the Patricia Kind Family Foundation (PKFF) has been involved in developing a strategic plan which will strengthen the focus of our grantmaking and community networking activities. The information we gathered from over 500 partners and community members will enable the Foundation to fine tune our work in the coming years.

In order for PKFF to extend grantmaking in Philadelphia for the long-term, the Trustees have agreed to pause new direct service grants until 2026. This decision will give us the opportunity to thoughtfully align our grantmaking practices with our budget as we evaluate our spend rate and explore creative funding opportunities. During this time, we will continue with our capacity and collaboration efforts as well as our ongoing grant commitments.

The next online application cycle will open Summer/Fall 2025 for funding in 2026. In addition to continuing our primary focus of direct service general operational support to help communities struggling with the impacts of poverty, we are also supporting capacity and collaboration building. Additionally, we are reaffirming our commitment to prioritize funding smaller Philadelphia organizations supporting historically marginalized communities with operating budgets less than $1 million.

As we go through this process over the next year, we will continue to update the community and schedule conversations to share our progress and get feedback. In the meantime, if you have thoughts you would like to share, please feel free to contact us as we are interested in hearing from members of the community.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

PKFF Capacity Building Grants

October 26, 2023

The Patricia Kind Family Foundation is pleased to announce that we awarded 33 Organizational Capacity Building grants to BIPOC-led Philadelphia non-profit organizations with budgets under $1 million. We are doubly excited that the William Penn Foundation will match $100,000 towards these grants. The total amount awarded was $282,500. These new one-year grants were part of a pilot program implemented as part of our Strategic Plan which we approved in January 2023.

Patricia Kind Family Foundation Strategic Planning 2023

September 21, 2023

Throughout the previous year, the Patricia Kind Family Foundation was led by Strategy Arts through a strategic planning process. In January 2023, the board approved a three-year Strategic Plan for the Foundation that emerged from a stakeholder inclusive, in-depth decision-making process.  The Patricia Kind Family Foundation looked three years into the future as we considered our vision for the foundation. PKFF’s commitment to direct service grants will remain the emphasis of our grant-making. Additionally, we agreed on four areas to form an expanded vision which included capacity building, coalition building, advocacy, and trustee and staff development. These focus areas are intended to supplement and enrich PKFF’s commitment to direct service grants. 

Laura Kind McKenna - Trustee Emeritus

July 5, 2022

After almost 25 years of leadership in the day-to-day management of The Patricia Kind Family Foundation, Laura Kind McKenna has resigned from being an active board member effective June 3, 2022.  She is now serving as Trustee Emeritus.

Laura was our first Managing Trustee, running the Foundation for the first years of its existence from 1998-2016. From 2016 to 2022 she served as Treasurer and Head of our Finance Committee.  Laura is well known as a strong, consistent voice urging all foundations to use their endowment assets to support mission along with grants. Under her leadership PKFF became one of the earliest adopters of mission aligned investing, eventually steering PKFF’s endowment to over 95% mission alignment.

Laura and her husband Marc have four grown children and nine grandchildren living all over the country and she's looking forward to having time for more travel.  Laura has been trying to "get bored and eat bonbons" for several years, although we all doubt she will.