Grants 2010 – current year
Displaying 61 - 90 of 102View Results on a MapGrants made before 2010
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: The Philadelphia Bail Fund frees our neighbors, friends, and loved ones from jail, while simultaneously working to end wealth-based detention in Philadelphia, the poorest large city in America. This work stems from our belief that pretrial detention is unjust, unnecessary, and inhumane. We are committed to building equitable and transformative justice systems in which everyone feels safe and all communities have the resources they need to thrive.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 to support our Family Wellness Services. This bilingual initiative will allow low-income immigrant families to access life-saving benefits and services.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: The Philadelphia Community Bail Fund (PCBF) is a grassroots community bail fund organizing for the abolition of bail, pretrial detention, and prisons, and for our collective liberation. Until that day comes, we post bail to free our loved ones, neighbors, comrades, and friends in Philadelphia.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years May 2021 to support the expansion of The Workport program, a citywide, real-world learning system for Philadelphia students.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 to support Guild reentry program.
Approved $20,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support Coalition robotics teams from Philadelphia’s under-resourced public schools providing teams with tools and supplies, coach training, mentorship, and events.
Approved $50,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 to support the WorkReady summer jobs program.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 general operating support to transform social, academic, and career outcomes for the historically underserved children of Philadelphia.
Approved $50,000 one-time emergency grant in 2021 to support the COVID-19 Prevention & Response Fund, a pooled fund that will provide general operating support grants to support and advance the significant work already happening in communities to address equity imbalances exacerbated by COVID-19.
Approved $60,000 over 3 years June 2021 to support a first-of-its-kind apprenticeship program. Wrongfully incarcerated individuals reentering society will apprentice under Phillips Black attorneys and investigators, learning to review and investigate cases, join in the direct representation of clients with wrongful conviction claims, and leave the program qualified for jobs in the legal field.
Approved $10,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Philly Children's Movement is a collective of families & educators talking, playing, learning, and rising up for racial justice. We envision a world in which all people are liberated, whole, and valued. Thus far, PCM has worked collaboratively with countless students, teachers, schools, and organizations, helping to facilitate professional development, build curricula, curate discussions, support student-led actions and guide parents on their antiracist journeys.
Approved $50,000 one-time emergency grant in 2021 to support Playstreets summer programming.
Approved $15,000/yr x 3 years February 2021 to support inperson and virtual youth progamming at the Fairhill PAL Center.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. Prevention Point provides a comprehensive set of services to those most in need including outreach, housing, meals, healthcare, treatment, case management, and other supportive services.
Approved $10,000 one-time emergency grant in 2021 to support summer enrichment opportunities for children living in Philadelphia shelters.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support efforts to improve the health and well-being of persons struggling with food insecurity by converting abandoned lots in North Philadelphia to green space to grow produce for the community at low or no cost.
Approved $20,000 one-time emergency grant in 2021 to support the expansion of fundraising capacity for community-based organizations in and around Philadelphia (that are black led and/or serving people of color) with budgets up to $1 million.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Spiral Q is an interdisciplinary ensemble of artists, activists, and cultural organizers guided by a mission to build strong and equitable communities characterized by creativity, joy, can-do attitudes and the courage to act on their convictions. In pursuit of this mission, we use art to connect people, values, neighborhoods and movements to their collective creative force for change.
Approved $20,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 to support the Mile Up program. Students Run Philly Style transforms students' lives through running and mentorship.
Approved $15,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support after school art education programs for at-risk children and youth engaging them through cultural heritage teachings.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: The Business Center provides the education and business networking programs necessary to strengthen the business formation necessary to contribute to improving Northwest Philadelphia’s minority business ecosystem. Our programs better position small business and startups to develop and vet their business concepts and further establish their reputations.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: The mission of Evoluer House is to uplift and change the trajectory for girls of color in the Philadelphia region between ages 13 and 18 experiencing social and emotional challenges and racial oppression to value themselves, realize their power, recognize their self-worth, break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and change their lives to lead and thrive.
Approved $15,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support for job and life skills program that seeks to equip youth who’ve aged out of foster care with the tools necessary to make the transition to self-sufficient adulthood.
Approved $20,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. Therapy Center of Philadelphia provides high-quality, affordable psychotherapeutic services to women, transgender, and gender non-conforming communities.
Approved $50,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support Community Fund for Immigrant Wellness.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Tioga United, Inc. is working to rebuild and strengthen its community and serve as a catalyst to empower its people one step at a time. Our goal is to heighten awareness, educate, and provide residents with basic needs and human services.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. The mission of Tree House Books is to grow and sustain a community of readers, writers, and thinkers in North Philadelphia.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Unity in the Community is dedicated to changing the lives of others in Philadelphia. Throughout the year Unity in the Community organizes a host of community events and initiatives that promotes unity and peace throughout the community.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: The mission of UrbEd is to advocate and improve education, social, economic, and racial inequities in the Philadelphia Public School System.
Approved $20,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 years to support WesGold Fellows program, an eight-week paid internship program for high school students from underserved, underrepresented communities focusing on personal and professional development, financial literacy, real estate, and entrepreneurship.