Grants 2010 – current year
Displaying 1 - 30 of 102View Results on a MapGrants made before 2010
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. ACHIEVEability works each day to permanently break the generational cycle of poverty for low-income, single parent, and homeless families.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. ASAP’s mission is to develop high quality after school activities and resources to empower youth and strengthen communities in Philadelphia.
Approved $15,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: The Agape African Senior Center, Inc. is established as a self-help initiatives by elderly African Immigrants to help ourselves combat the acute isolation we experience linguistically, socially, culturally, and economically through self-advocacy, self-development, and self-empowerment in order to enhance our independent living and graceful aging in our new home, the USA.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Amistad Law Project's mission is to fight for the human rights of people in our community by providing free and low-cost legal services to Philadelphians and those incarcerated in Pennsylvania’s prisons. Additionally, we advocate for laws and policies that reflect our vision for a new justice paradigm and organize events and activities to educate the public on their rights and the law.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 to support food pantries.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Beyond The Bars is a student driven music and career skills program that is dedicated to interrupting the cycles of violence and incarceration while helping our students recognize their immense potential and bright futures.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 to support Resiliency Services at el Centro de Estudiantes and Vaux Big Picture High School.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Black Brain Campaign's mission is to eradicate the stigma against mental health in the Black community. We strive to help the community learn more about mental health and to advocate to ensure therapy treatment includes cultural humility. Our goal his to improve mental health by providing education, resources, and advocacy.
Approved $50,000 one-time emergency grant in 2021 to support COVID testing/vaccine efforts.
Approved $25,000 one-time emergency grant in 2021 to support free school-based book distribution to PK-3 students in the Phila. school district to increase literacy and access to books.
Approved $20,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support Call to Action Literacy Initiative helping Philadelphia’s youth increase their reading and writing skills and enable them to reach their full potential.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support College Readiness and Persistence programs providing academic, social/emotional, and financial support to disadvantaged high school youth in the Greater Philadelphia Area.
Approved $15,000 one-time emergency general operating support grant in 2021 to provide self-care art making workshops for front line staff who are dealing with vicarious trauma.
Approved $20,000 one-time emergency grant in 2021 to support attendance incentives for students to increase spring attendance now that they returned to full-time in-person learning.
Approved $15,000/yr x 3 years May 2021 general operating support to reimagine Centro Nueva Creación as a true center for the community and to build organizational capacity.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Chapman Foundation's mission is to provide tutoring and educational services to inner-city and economically disadvantaged students to minimize educational inequalities.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support Parent/Caregiver Services providing prevention and intervention strategies focused on caregivers of children struggling with mental and behavioral health challenges.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: City Athletics Community Partners’ mission is to improve the lives of underserved Philadelphia youth through sports, fitness and community. The goal of CACP is to build leadership, resilience and character through fun and challenging sports activities.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Collective Climb is a community-based nonprofit empowering primarily BIPOC teenagers (15-19) in West Philadelphia through restorative justice. We offer three programs: 1) The Restorative Community Project, 2) a Youth Advisory Board, 3) and Collective Kickbacks. We are committed to Black joy, security, and freedom.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support Single Stop, a program that helps connect students with basic needs, such as housing, food, and other resources.
Approved $10,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. Community Learning Center's mission is to empower low-income adults in Philadelphia to gain academic and employment skills
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. The Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project assists low income, Philadelphia residents with free debt counseling and pro bono Chapter 7 Bankruptcy representation.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support a six-week summer academic program that prepares underserved children for competitive high schools.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: Dimplez 4 Dayz, Inc.'s mission is to assist children, youth, and families from the inner-city by providing unrestrained resources, programs, and encouragement to create a promising lifestyle.
Approved $10,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support technological upgrades and added operations necessary to expand access to the computer lab at the Beachell Family Learning Center.
Approved $10,000/yr x 3 years January 2021 general operating support. Eddie’s House focuses on serving abandoned and at-risk youth by providing housing, a safe & nurturing space and tools to help them achieve and sustain economic empowerment.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: The mission of The ECO Foundation is to provide creative education, healthy food, and employment opportunities, so people can meet their needs and exceed their goals.
Approved $25,000 June 2021 general operating support. Organization's Mission: EMIR (Every Murder Is Real) Healing Center provides victims advocacy, support groups, wellness, mental health counseling, housing relocation and educational services to the families in Philadelphia, PA, and more recently, Chester, PA. EMIR Healing Center was founded after the murder of Victoria Greene's only son. Supported by a staff well versed in the devastation homicide brings to families and communities, EMIR focuses on healing through a wholistic and trauma-informed approach to care.
Approved $15,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 to support MindSet program, a long-term program that works with participants for up to 5 years to develop the skills and behaviors they need to successfully transition from poverty to economic independence and self-sufficiency.
Approved $25,000/yr x 3 years June 2021 years to support free legal aid to individuals in need via in-person clinics at churches and other locations where food or wellness services are also provided.