We at Nonprofit Finance Fund are considering what actions we might take to support the sector in this difficult environment. The fight is going to be lengthy, and we all need to muster energy and heart to sustain it. Here are immediate actions we can all take right now:
Three Actions for Nonprofits:
- Scenario plan. Funding is under threat for many of us with direct or pass-through federal funding. Model out different scenarios, assessing the risk level to different funding streams, and the implications and options should they cease. We offer a free scenario planning tool here that can be helpful; it is part of a series of resources on building resilience during uncertain times.
- As we saw last week, we may experience fits and starts to funding. Cash flow planning is critical. Our cash flow projection template (also free) is another valuable tool as organizations plan for uncertainty.
- Access the many great resources that have been put out there by others supporting the field. Just a few:
- Advocacy tips, tools, and events for nonprofits from Independent Sector
- Catchafire nonprofit planning resources
- Protecting human services resiliency roundup from Human Services Council of New York
- Advocacy resources for foundations from United Philanthropy Forum
- Legally focused resource and updates from Democracy 2025.